You are currently browsing the monthly archive for January 2020.

This year has started off with a series of changes. From preaching at Church on January 5th, to really settling into my new role and my wonderful wife now working full-time.

So why add to the mix a blog? Or more particularly this blog again?

It was always my intention to return to writing but I seem to never have got around to it. It has been over 5 years. Work pressure/busy-ness, preparing classes and a large administrative load meant I focussed on what I was doing not what was always good for me.

I also think I am now a better writer but still a clunky communicator. I am hoping to think up ways I can make this work. But most of all I want a space in which I can engage ideas, mull them over and see what happens on paper.

The administrative load helped me apply for my current role. I was caught by surprise when they offered me the job. It has been a great experience so far using over a decade’s hard-won knowledge on a much larger scale. That too will be part of my writing.

So how often will I write? I am not sure yet but I hope it will be less than 5 years until the next post.


David Morgan, lecturer, theologian, husband, father and blogger.
January 2020